Negative space logo design

 Negative space logo design (CD)

Negative Space Logo Design: Tips and Tricks

What is Negative Space in logo design?

Positive and negative space are the two forms of space in design. The concept of negative space can be found in all forms of art and design. Positive and negative space should be used effectively to improve readability of your design.

The unused space in a painting or design is known as negative space. Negative space, on the other hand, is rarely wasted and plays a vital function in design. Every design must incorporate negative space. 

Negative space may create or break the overall appearance of a design. Negative space in logo design refers to the space between shapes.

The relation between positive and negative space adds richness to a design without making it overly complicated. Keep your image as simple as possible while designing logo. 

Negative space logos are a form of logo design concept that makes creative use of white space. One of the most innovative techniques available to logo designers is the use of negative space in logo design.

What is clear space in logo design?

The term "clear space" refers to the amount of space that a logo must have on all sides, regardless of where it is used. Clear space is used to ensure that a logo's visibility and impact are maximized.

What is golden ratio in design?

The Golden Ratio is an excellent tool for determining the height and width of a logo, as well as the proportions of internal pieces to the overall design. The Golden Rectangle can also be used to arrange objects and determine the most visually appealing arrangement.

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